Gwenda Thomas

Monday, 19 November 2007


- Anti-bullying week targets bullying in and out of school

Neath Labour AM Gwenda Thomas has added her support for the Labour led Assembly Government’s anti-bullying week (November 19th- 23rd).

Following last year’s successful campaign Welsh Labour’s Education Minister Jane Hutt has said this year’s campaign will aim to raise awareness over bullying outside the classroom.

Welsh Labour wants to see local schools focus on tackling the increasing problem of bullying over text messages or on social network websites and also wants schools to focus on racist and homophobic bullying.

Neath AM Gwenda Thomas said:

’’We’re becoming increasingly aware of bullying over the internet or on mobile phones which is why this year’s campaign will raise awareness over bullying in and out side of the school environment .

‘’Welsh Labour wants to help children, parents and pupils stamp out this sort of behaviour.

‘’Bullying takes many forms, which is why it is vital that we address the issue of cyber-bullying and look at ways to tackle racist and homophobic bullying.

‘’The most important thing is that young people who are being bullied talk to someone. Teachers, parents and fellow pupils can help. I hope that schools across my constituency will get involved in this year’s anti-bullying campaign. We have to all work together and tackle bullying every day in whatever form is takes.’’

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