Gwenda Thomas

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

World first to improve autism services in Wales

New, wide-ranging efforts to tackle autism and improve services for those who are affected by the condition were announced today [Tuesday, 22 April] by the Welsh Assembly Government's Deputy Minister for Social Services, Gwenda Thomas.

The Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Strategic Action Plan is to be launched today at the 3rd Wales International Autism Conference organised by Autism Cymru in Cardiff. Funding for the next 3 years has been identified with the first years funding of £1.8m being announced to drive forward key actions for the first years.

Wales is the first country in the world to have established a cross-cutting national strategic action plan for ASD that will help the estimated 30,000 people that are either directly or indirectly affected by Autism in Wales.

The Action Plan will drive improvements across both children, young people’s and adult services in health, social services and education services – and also expand into areas of housing, leisure and society in general.

Wales has secured another coup in the appointment of Hugh Morgan OBE, Chief Executive of Autism Cymru, to the post of Implementation Manager to drive forward the very important first 12 months developments in the mapping of needs and services which has to be undertaken by every Local Authority in Wales.

Speaking at today’s conference, Deputy Minister for Social Services, Gwenda Thomas, said:

"An increasing number of people are being diagnosed with Autism in Wales and there is a need to improve the provision that is available for children, young people and adults with ASD.

"It’s crucial that people with Autism have every opportunity to fulfil their potential which is why the Welsh Assembly Government has committed to having an ASD Strategic Action Plan in place which addresses the needs of all ages, touches on all agencies and involves individuals and their families/carers in the decision making process.

"We are doing something positive in Wales to address this issue and we can be proud of the fact that we are witnessing yet another ‘World first’ for Wales with the launch of this new Strategic Action Plan today.

"The Welsh Assembly Government has worked closely with both major Autism charities to develop our Action Plan. With real partnership working between a wide range of public, private and voluntary sector organisations we will see a positive and sustainable change that will benefit the individual with ASD, their families and society.

"I am delighted to have Hugh Morgan in the key role of Implementation Manager and am sure his world renowned expertise will only further enhance this ground breaking strategy.

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