Gwenda Thomas

Friday, 12 December 2008

Gwenda Thomas AM Column for Neath Guardian November 08

Consultation launched on how best we can pay for care in the future

As Deputy Minister for Social Services I have launched a consultation that will explore how care will be best paid for across Wales in the future. The consultation process called ‘Paying for Care in Wales: creating a fair and sustainable system’, will take place between November 2008 and March 2009, and will focus on how the current system of paying for care will need to change in order to meet future needs. The consultation will run in parallel with one in England and has been prompted by predictions that care services will face a £6bn funding gap across the UK in 20 years. The shortfall between the cost of care services and the money that is available to pay for them in future years is due to the fact that the general population is growing older and the percentage of working age people is decreasing. This demographic trend over the next decade is worrying policy makers around the world. However we must also remember the care system doesn’t just involve the elderly.

In Wales the population is projected to increase in 20 years by about 5% to 3.14m. While the number of children is expected to drop by 6% over the period, the number of people aged 65 to 84 is set to rise by 24% to 582,000 and those over 85 by around 29% to 93,000, in effect over 21% of the population will be over 65.

I want everyone to have their say about these questions: How should we share the responsibility for paying for care in the future? Who should contribute more? If you need care and support, who should pay for it? You or your family? Everyone through the tax system? How should the government allocate its funding in the future? If you need care and support should the financial help you get depend on the kind of support you need? How much money you have? Should these decisions be made nationally or locally?
There are a number of ways in which you can give your views on the key issues by 28 February 2009: By a website: information and views can be submitted at .By E-mail/Writing: you can e-mail your views to or write to the Paying for Care Team, Older People and Long Term Care Policy Directorate, Welsh Assembly Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ. By telephoning 02920 823096 you can receive hard copies of the consultation document.
Gwenda Thomas is Deputy Minister for Social Services.

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