Gwenda Thomas

Monday, 12 January 2009

New Post Office Fund Welcomed
Local Labour AM Gwenda Thomas today welcomed the launch of a new £4.5m fund to help sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses diversify and improve their Post Offices in the Neath Constituency and the rest of Wales.

The fund, which will be open from 1st January 2009 to every sub post office in Wales, can be used for accessing business and marketing advice, advertising, training and some set-up costs for new services. The funding, available over 3 years, can also be applied for Post Office access improvements, IT upgrades and improving security and signage.

Subpostmasters and subpostmistresses will be able to apply for up to £20,000 capital funding and up to £15,000 in revenue costs under the new scheme.

Gwenda Thomas AM said:
“Post Offices provide an essential service to our communities and this fund will help to ensure that Post Offices in Wales can remain viable and become improved and sustainable businesses. I have been approached many times over the last few years by sub postmasters and sub postmistresses concerned about maintaining the level of service they provide for the community alongside making a living for themselves, families and staff. I hope that the re launch of the Post Office Diversification Fund will provide some stability for these hardworking and essential members of our communities.”

The Labour-led Assembly Government has always recognised the social and community value of post offices, particularly in relation to supporting vulnerable people in our most isolated and most disadvantaged communities and in addressing financial inclusion.

Today’s announcement follows a 12 week consultation which closed at the end of October. Subpostmasters and Subpostmistresses will receive information shortly on how to make an application to the new fund. Information will also be made available on the Welsh Assembly Government website.

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