Gwenda Thomas

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

AM supports community in questions over School Reorganisation

Gwenda Thomas AM today advised that she had received a large number of representations from Governers, parents and the wider community regarding Godre’r Graig Primary School and will be prepared to assist them in any way she can.

Mrs Thomas advised her constituents,

‘I wrote to The Welsh Assembly Government Minister for Education, Jane Hutt AM on October 2nd, requesting guidance on policies, procedures and consultation requirements, and I also contacted the Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning, Karl Napieralla, Neath Port Talbot CBC on October 5th, requesting relevant documentation and statistics.

I have no hesitation in representing and supporting the views of the children, parents, school staff and members of the governing body of Godre’r Graig Primary School and also of the wider community.

To this end, I am committed to organising a meeting at which I can meet with key people as soon as responses to the above correspondence are to hand.

I have asked my staff to arrange a meeting as soon as The Minister’s reply is to hand.’

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