Gwenda Thomas

Monday, 17 May 2010

First National Advocacy and Advice Helpline for Children and Young People

Gwenda Thomas said "A new National Advocacy and Advice helpline for children and young people in Wales, was launched by Deputy Minister for Children Huw Lewis with the help of Radio 1 presenter Aled Hayden Jones, is a marvellous idea".

"The Labour-led Assembly Government is leading the UK and I have pleased to have been involved with the preliminary work along with Jane Hutt AM in launching this helpline called Meic. This enables children and young people to get help on issues important to them".

"I would urge children and young people under 25, if they need to get help on issues important to them, if they feel that have not been heard, or their opinion is not being taken into account on matters that affect them to telephone freephone 080880 23456, free text (84001) or instant message ( seven days a week. Initially Meic will run for 8 hours a day (12-8pm) before coming a 24 hour service".

Advisers will either provide them with information, let them know where they can get further help or transfer them to an independent professional advocate. These advocates are trained to help children and young people find ways of being involved and being heard on any decision that affects them. They may deal with specific issues because the child or young people is not happy with the current situation and feel that they want help and support to support to start, stop or change something".

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