Gwenda Thomas

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Step closer to use of new lung cancer treatment

Gwenda Thomas AM has congratulated the diligence of campaigners and Welsh Assembly Health Minister Edwina Hart AM, in their support of the drug Gefitinib (Iressa) for the first-line treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non small cell lung cancer.

Initial guidance by NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) did not recommend the drug but, after being given additional information by the manufacturers AstraZeneca regarding the effectiveness of the drug and a workable Patient Access Scheme, plus numerous responses to the consultation, NICE have been persuaded that the treatment can be considered a clinical and cost effective use of NHS resources.

Mrs Thomas has said, ‘This is fantastic news for patients. If NICE’s final guidance, expected in July, upholds the latest positive considerations, Edwina Hart AM, Minister for Health and Social Services expects the drug to be made available to all suitable patients in Wales as soon as possible.’

The Minister had contacted the Cancer Services Co-ordinating Group (CSCG), a lung cancer advisory group for expert advice before writing to the Chairman of NICE outlining her disappointment at their initial recommendations.

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