Gwenda Thomas

Thursday, 28 October 2010

£3M Drive to Create Next Generation of Young Scientists

A £3m project aimed at increasing the number of young engineers, scientists, technologists, and mathematicians in the Welsh workforce has been announced.
STEM Cymru will encourage youngsters to study STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and maths) to improve qualifications, skills and career prospects.

Led by the Engineering Education Scheme in Wales (EESW), the project will target youngsters from 12 to 19 years to participate in industry linked technological and engineering activities including hands on activities, work experience, competitions, events, and career related programmes. The scheme is backed with £1.6m from the European Social Fund through the Labour-led Welsh Assembly Government, with further support from industry.

Gwenda Thomas AM said: ‘These initiatives will encourage youngsters to take up Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. These subjects are vital for the development of a vibrant and sustainable knowledge-based Welsh economy, and, of course, improve the youngsters’ qualifications and career prospects’.

STEM Cymru will also support initiatives including:

• Headstart, which encourages year 12 students interested in STEM subjects to consider technology based careers.

• The Year in Industry programme is to be re-established, placing youngsters in quality, paid work experience to enhance university education and career prospects.

• The F1 in Schools Challenge will also be developed where pupils design model F1 cars using sophisticated Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, make real working models and compete against teams from different schools. Pupils will be given training and support throughout the challenge to encourage them to develop STEM and other skills.

• Go4Set scheme in which year 9 pupils will be linked to companies and universities to offer a 10 week science, engineering and technology experience, helping them to make key stage 4 options with regard to STEM subjects.

• Colegau Cymru Engineering Week in which Year 9 pupils will attend a local college for a day to experience engineering activities.

• Apprentice Futures raises awareness of apprenticeship skills in the workplace and addresses skills gaps to support employers and the uptake of Modern Apprenticeships. Under this strand of STEM Cymru, Apprentice of the Year presentation and award days will be arranged.

Broadband Support Scheme

The Labour-led Welsh Assembly Government is encouraging people across Wales to apply for help to access a broadband service.

265 applications have been received for the Labour-led Welsh Assembly Government’s Broadband Support Scheme since its launch in July.

The scheme enables individuals and groups in remaining Welsh broadband ‘notspots’ to approach internet service providers directly, with support of Assembly Government funding. Support is available for up to a maximum of £1,000 for individual premises to help with the set-up and installation costs of a broadband connection.

Gwenda Thomas said: ‘Individuals and groups, who do not receive broadband, should apply to this scheme, which has been funded by the Labour-led Welsh Assembly Government and Europe, for help in gaining broadband access. Everyone, from home users, to small businesses like farmers, would benefit from the advantages of high-speed broadband’.

Communities that apply for funding can pool money to find the best solution and several around the country are already exploring this route. The scheme is designed to help everyone from the home internet user to businesses and farmers to specialist services like mountain rescue groups. Initial funding of around £2 million has been allocated, with discussions now under way to access European assistance from the Rural Development Plan.

The Assembly Government is particularly keen to receive applications that deliver the best sustainable solutions to local broadband problems – so ensuring higher speed connectivity, rather just than a basic service. The scheme is technology neutral and can contribute towards ADSL, 3G, wi-fi or satellite solutions.

Detailed guidance and application details of the Broadband Support Scheme can be found here

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Coalition Cuts Hurt the Poorest

The UK government announced this month it’s Comprehensive Spending Review. The cuts we face over the next four years will be very challenging. The settlement for Wales will hit the country hard, as we are already underfunded £300 million a year and now Wales suffers the largest reduction in any of the Devolved Administration’s budgets.

Vital services that benefit those living in Wales are coming under attack because of the savage cuts agenda. It is Labour Assembly Members that will fight hard to make sure that our limited budget is now spread fairly, something the ConDem government cannot say.

The spending review has already been criticised by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) as being unfair, after we learnt that those on the lowest 10% of income will be significantly affected. Those living in Neath will now feel the effect of the devastating welfare cuts, which will have both long and short-term consequences for the most vulnerable people in our society.

Those currently employed in the public sector now fear for their jobs and those currently unemployed or in full time education are worried that there is little opportunity to find work in the future. The spending review is reckless and is being carried out for ideological reasons.

The government does not have to cut this deep or this fast to handle the UK deficit, which came after the banking crisis. I will make sure Neath’s voice is being heard in the Assembly and act as a buffer against the coalitions’ attack.

AM Says 'Keep Safe on Bonfire Night'

Every year at this time, the debate on the use and safety of fireworks raises conflicting and passionate arguments for and against their use.

“Many families now attend organised public displays but the tradition of Guy Fawkes night at home with a bonfire and fireworks, as with my own family, is still popular.” Said Neath AM Gwenda Thomas.

“There is no doubt that a private family display is great fun but fireworks must be used safely as over half of firework injuries each year are suffered by children.

“If used properly, fireworks are safe, but if you are putting on a private display there are essential rules you must follow to safeguard your loved ones, pets and home.

“It is important to remember not to cut corners when using fireworks; always be prepared and follow the firework code. Bonfires should be at a safe distance from houses, hedge, trees and sheds. I was horrified to learn that children’s sparklers are 5 times hotter than cooking oil so they must never be given to children under 5 or unsupervised.

“While it is legal to set off fireworks up to midnight on the 5th of November, and up to 1pm on New Years Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali, at all other times it is illegal to set them off after 11pm.

“Enjoy our traditional Guy Fawkes and the Diwali Festival of Lights celebrations this November with your family and friends but, please be sensible and safe and follow the firework code.” Implored Gwenda Thomas AM.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Gwenda Thomas AM Celebrates International Credit Union Day

Gwenda Thomas AM is urging Neath constituency residents to join a Credit Union to celebrate International Credit Union Day on Thursday.

All Labour Assembly Members in Wales are members of a credit union, and are encouraging as many people as possible to benefit from membership.

Credit unions are a great way to save money safely with low risk and now offer many different financial services.

Gwenda Thomas AM said: "Joining up to a Credit Union this week is the perfect way to celebrate International Credit Union Day.

“Credit Unions offer an accessible, low risk and easy place to save money, and give access to low cost loans. Many now offer other services such as ISAs, budgeting advice, insurance products and debt management. I have recently had the pleasure of attending Credit Union launches in several of our local comprehensive schools, where pupils and teachers have taken an active interest in running and saving with a Credit Union and in the vital financial lessons to be learned in participating in such a scheme.”

"I urge everyone to join their local credit union and take advantage of these facilities."

For more information on credit unions in Wales, including your local Credit Union, go to or contact the Welsh Assembly Government Credit Union Freephone 0800 496 0865.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Bus Problems in the Tawe Valley Area

School-children and pensioners are being left stranded in valley’s villages due to bus disruptions, says local AM.

Gwenda Thomas, AM for Neath, warned today that bus problems in the Tawe Valley were causing elderly residents to miss medical appointments and school-children to be late for classes.

Mrs Thomas said: “I’ve been contacted by several constituents complaining about two specific bus routes. The problems services seem to be First Cymru’s 120 from Ystradgynlais and the school bus provided by Veolia for YG Cwmtawe .”

Godre’rgraig Community Councillor Bryan Lewis said: “Many people in my ward have come to me complaining that they are missing doctors and hospital appointments.”

“I appreciate that some bus delays are unavoidable but this is turning into a regular problem. For the elderly and infirm missing a medical appointment can have very serious consequences.”

Alison Clark, a concerned parent from Gwaun Cae Gurwen, said: “The children from Gwaun Cae Gurwen and Tairgwaith are regularly late for registration and on several occasions have missed lessons. If it continues this is going to affect their education.”

“Veolia seem to be trying to cover Amman Valley School and YG Cwmtawe with one bus. If they keep doing this substantial delays will be inevitable.”

Mrs Thomas said: “I have written to Veolia and First Cymru requesting a meeting to seek to resolve this unsatisfactory situation.”

Thursday, 7 October 2010

AM Praises Independent Traders

Independent shops and boutiques are essential to the future of Neath, says Gwenda Thomas AM.

Speaking at the opening of Deenna, a family run store in Neath town centre, the Neath AM praised small local businesses and emphasised their importance to the Neath economy.

“Quality boutique stores that offer something more than the ‘clone town’ high streets that are so common today are essential for marketing Neath as a tourist and shopping destination. We have a lovely town in Neath but to sell it to the rest of Wales we need more unique shops catering to a diverse range of tastes and budgets.”

Deenna is a lifestyle boutique run by Deenna Barton and her mother Janis Hawkes. It sells luxury clothes, accessories and gifts and offers an honest styling service to help customers personalise their wardrobes.

Assembly Consults on Sunbed Regulations

Should tanning salons face further restrictions? The Welsh Assembly Government has opened a consultation on possible regulations on sunbed businesses.

The 2010 Sunbed Act prevented under 18 year olds from using tanning salons and provided further regulation-making powers for the Welsh Assembly.

The Assembly Government is now looking to use these powers to introduce more controls on sunbed operators. The proposed regulations include requiring the supervision of commercial sunbeds, prescribing health information to be displayed in the salons and restricting the sale or hire of tanning equipment to under 18 year olds.

Neath AM Gwenda Thomas said: “This is a serious issue. The skin cancer rate has increased four-fold over the last thirty years and we are well aware of the dangers of excessive tanning. I believe these premises should be supervised and their customers should be made aware of the potential health risks.”

“We have no desire to prevent adults from visiting tanning salons if they want to but if children are still able to use commercial sunbeds this is clearly unacceptable. The International Agency for Research on Cancer have advised us that first exposure to sunbeds before the age of 35 increases the risk of malignant melanoma by 75%”

“From discussions with constituents I know that many people in Neath feel strongly about this issue. I’d ask anyone with opinions on how best to regulate in this area to respond to this consultation.”

Copies of the consultation document can be found on the Welsh Assembly Government website. Hard copies can be obtained by contacting Mrs Thomas’ office on 01792 869993.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

On the Job Training on the up in NPT

Gwenda Thomas, AM for neath, today welcomed recently published statistics that show an increase in the number of workers receiving job related training in Neath Port Talbot.

The latest figures show that, in 2009, one in five workers in Neath Port Talbot had undertaken some form of training in the previous four weeks. This is a 66% increase on the previous year.

In Neath Port Talbot the increase was particularly marked in the service sector where the percentage receiving job related training in the previous month went up from 13% to 23%.

Mrs Thomas said: “This shows that Welsh Assembly Government’s ‘Workforce Development Programme’ is starting to have a real impact in this area. A highly skilled and continually developing workforce is key to Wales’ future in the global economy.”

WAG’s ‘Workforce Development Programme ‘ offers free advice to businesses looking to develop their staff. Through a team of Human Resource Development advisors they can help companies find and finance training courses for their employees.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

AM Calls for Views on Learning Disability Care

Neath AM, Mrs Gwenda Thomas, today asked her constituents to respond to a consultation document on hospital care for people with learning disabilities.
The “Draft Good Practice Framework” report commissioned by Mrs Thomas as Social Services minister and written by Public Health Wales suggests ways in which secondary care for people with learning difficulties could be improved.

The report emphasises that the family and carers of patients with learning difficulties should be increasingly involved in the process of hospital care. It says that those who know the patients well should be listened to when hospital staff are trying to understand patients who have difficulty in expressing themselves.
To help achieve this, the report recommends improvements in record keeping and the setting up ‘care pathways’ to outline good practice at each stage of the admission process.

Mrs Thomas said: “The health needs of people learning difficulties are understandably more complicated than those of the general public. The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to improving the standard of hospital care for this vulnerable section of the community.”

“We’re determined to get this right but to do so we need to listen to views of the people who deal with these problems on a daily basis. I really hope we get as many responses as possible from carers, family members and medical professionals, and from those with learning difficulties themselves. These are the people who understand the issues involved better than anyone else.”

The report and consultation forms can be found online on the consultation section of the Welsh Assembly’s website. Hard copies can be obtained by contacting Gwenda Thomas’ constituency office on 01792 869993.

Monday, 4 October 2010


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AM Calls for Celebration of 100 Years of Womens's Achievements

International Women’s Day celebrates its centenary next year and your AM wants you to get involved.

The Welsh Assembly Government has opened the first round of bidding for funds for International Women’s Day 2011. Neath AM, Gwenda Thomas, today encouraged charities and community groups in Neath to apply for money to celebrate the achievements of women over the last 100 years.

Mrs Thomas said: “As a woman in Welsh politics for over 25 years I know just how much we have to celebrate. Although the struggle for equality is far from over I think the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day is a fitting juncture to reflect on the great strides forward women have made over the last century.”

The Advancing Equality Fund has made available £30,000 for awards of up to £2,500. These can be used for events such as open days, conferences, awareness raising events and achievement awards ceremonies.

Application forms are available from Gwenda Thomas AM’s office at 7 High Street, Pontardawe or online for the Assembly website.