Gwenda Thomas

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

AM Says 'Keep Safe on Bonfire Night'

Every year at this time, the debate on the use and safety of fireworks raises conflicting and passionate arguments for and against their use.

“Many families now attend organised public displays but the tradition of Guy Fawkes night at home with a bonfire and fireworks, as with my own family, is still popular.” Said Neath AM Gwenda Thomas.

“There is no doubt that a private family display is great fun but fireworks must be used safely as over half of firework injuries each year are suffered by children.

“If used properly, fireworks are safe, but if you are putting on a private display there are essential rules you must follow to safeguard your loved ones, pets and home.

“It is important to remember not to cut corners when using fireworks; always be prepared and follow the firework code. Bonfires should be at a safe distance from houses, hedge, trees and sheds. I was horrified to learn that children’s sparklers are 5 times hotter than cooking oil so they must never be given to children under 5 or unsupervised.

“While it is legal to set off fireworks up to midnight on the 5th of November, and up to 1pm on New Years Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali, at all other times it is illegal to set them off after 11pm.

“Enjoy our traditional Guy Fawkes and the Diwali Festival of Lights celebrations this November with your family and friends but, please be sensible and safe and follow the firework code.” Implored Gwenda Thomas AM.

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