Gwenda Thomas

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Gwenda Thomas Supports Budget to Protect Healthy Schools and Skills

The constituency of Neath’s health and schools will be protected by the Labour-led Welsh Assembly Government in its draft budget.

Social Services and Skills have also been protected as Business Minister, Jane Hutt, laid the Assembly Government’s draft budget this week.

Gwenda Thomas AM said: ‘Welsh Labour is putting schools and hospitals, as well as universal benefits such as free bus passes, free prescriptions and free school breakfasts, at the forefront of its agenda.

“The Conservative Liberal Democrat Westminster coalition government has imposed an incredibly difficult settlement on Wales, which has seen the money available for capital investment such as buildings and equipment slashed by 40%. Despite this, Welsh Labour will continue to stand up for the people of Neath. We are proud to put forward a Welsh budget for Welsh needs, and one that will preserve services.”

Gwenda said. “Vital help will be continued to be provided for the most vulnerable people in our society such as children and older people, and a commitment to universal benefits such as free bus passes, free school breakfasts and milk for primary schoolchildren will remain.”

Labour’s Business Minister Jane Hutt said: “In accordance with the best traditions of the people of Wales, we are resolved to uphold that commitment and support people, communities and public services throughout the difficult period that lies ahead.”

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