Gwenda Thomas

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Continuing the Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation

Earlier this month, as Deputy Social Services Minister, I published new guidance to safeguard children and young people from being exploited in Wales. The Guidance on the Safeguarding of Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation has been published to aid teachers, health professionals, social workers, the police and other key practitioners in Wales to tackle sexual exploitation.

The guidance aims to help practitioners identify children at risk, equip them to protect these vulnerable children to take action against the perpetrators. The sexual exploitation of children and young people is completely unacceptable and I am determined to do all I can to help eradicate it.

Children are robbed of their childhood and this form of abuse can have a serious long-term impact on every aspect of their and their family's lives. This document will steer a multi-agency approach to identify and offer protection and long-term support to children and young people who are at a risk, or have been a victim of sexual exploitation.

Bernardo’s Cymru assisted in producing the guidance and will be delivering training events throughout the year. Keith Towler, Children’s Commissioner for Wales, stated: ‘Child sexual exploitation is a hidden for of abuse and so being able to recognise the signs and symptoms is essential. I hope practitioners will embrace this new guidance.’


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