Gwenda Thomas

Friday, 4 March 2011

Gwenda Thomas AM welcomes the funding for “Communities against Drugs”

On hearing that the “Communities against Drugs” project had been awarded £66,385 of funding under the Labour –led Welsh Assembly Government Communities First’s programme’s Outcome Fund, Gwenda Thomas AM, Assembly Member for Neath said “I am pleased that the Welsh Assembly Government’s Outcome Fund has been able to fund this valuable project - a large part of which will take place in my constituency”

She continued “I would like to praise the work that the Melincryddan Community Conference and the Neath East Communities First Partnership have undertaken with other local agencies, in the local area, such as the Police, Schools, Housing Associations and community groups in putting together this successful funding application and the partnership working that will continue throughout the life of the project. The residents in the eight project areas will have a dedicated confidential hotline to inform on suspicious behaviour regarding drug dealing and substance misuse empowering them to do something to challenge the concerns in their community”

Gwenda added “I also welcome the support that the project will offer to users who wish to end their drug dependency as with the right support people can reduce the harm they cause themselves, their families and their communities.”

Charles Henrywood, Chair of Melincryddan Community Conference and a member of the Neath East Communities First Partnership said “I’m delighted we have obtained this funding. It’s taken a long time and a lot of hard work by many people to have reached this stage but I’m confident that the project will achieve its aims, to the benefit of many individuals and their communities. My sincere thanks to all my project partners and to Gwenda Thomas for the support and encouragement they have given me over the past two years.

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