Gwenda Thomas

Friday, 7 December 2007

Carers take centre stage on Carers Rights Day

Assembly Government Deputy Minister for Social Services and Carers Champion, Gwenda Thomas, today visited Rhydycar Leisure Centre at Merthyr to help raise the profile of carers in Wales as part of Carers Right Day.

During the event, the Carers Champion met carers and witnessed first hand the ‘Telecare’ technology that is now available and currently being rolled out in Merthyr Tydfil to support older people and those with long-term needs live independently.

Carers Rights Day, arranged by Carers UK and co-ordinated in Wales by Carers Wales, is an annual event with the aim of raising carers awareness of their rights, increase the take-up of benefit entitlements and guide carers towards practical support.

It’s estimated that only 30,000 of the 340,000 carers in Wales currently take up the Carers’ Allowance. It’s hoped that today’s series of events throughout the country will raise carers awareness of the support – both financial and practical - that they could access.

Said Gwenda Thomas: “Family, friends and neighbours have a crucial role in supporting people in the community who are frail, sick or vulnerable.

“ The Assembly Government’s Carers’ Strategy recognises that people who plan, provide and commission services have to be aware that carers have needs of their own and may need help to look after their loved ones.

"Equally, we know that many carers do not even think of themselves as carers and may not therefore know about their own rights and entitlements. So I commend the events that are being organised across Wales today and am confident that the vital role that carers play – and their rights - will be highlighted as a result."

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