Gwenda Thomas

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Neath Guardian Column: Thomas Talks - 5 December 2007

"Last week in the Assembly, I began the process to devolve the power from the UK Government in Westminster to the Welsh Assembly Government to enable changes to be made to the way that older people and vulnerable adults pay for social services in their own homes.

"As Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services in the Labour-led Assembly Government, this is the second legislative competence order (known as an LCO) that I am I taking through the Assembly, using the new, enhanced powers that the Assembly now has. As well as the LCO on vulnerable children and child poverty I am taking through, other ministers are, or will be seeking powers over services for children with special educational needs; on environmental protection and waste management; affordable housing and the welsh language.

"At the moment, charges for home care and other non-residential social services are currently at the discretion of each of Wales’ 22 local authorities. This has resulted in significant variations in charging policies for similar services across Wales. Current local authority maximum weekly charge rates for home care services range from £16.20 per week to £185 per week. This LCO, if approved, will enable the Assembly to pass Welsh laws to make sure that users of home care services and other non-residential social services pay a fairer charge for services - based on their individual needs, and not on where they live. We could also look at exempting certain services, and certain groups of people from charges altogether.

"A fairer charging policy will help older people and the disabled get the services they need. More people are choosing to remain in their own homes and value their independence. For this to become a reality many need the invaluable day-to-day support they receive from the committed and hard working staff that work within social services, as well as from their own carers.

"If you wish to contact me for advice or assistance with any matter for which the Assembly has responsibility for, please contact my constituency office in Pontardawe on 01792 869993 or e-mail You can also keep up-to-date with my activities as your AM by logging on to

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