Gwenda Thomas

Friday, 27 February 2009

Flood Risk Insurance Premiums
Gwenda Thomas received helpful news this week for the residents of Ardwyn Terrace in Resolven.
She was approached in January by Councillor Des Davies regarding concerns over a drastic increase in the house insurance quotes for residents renewing their policies due to the risk of flooding.
As a consequence of representations she made to the Welsh Assembly Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing, Jane Davidson AM, Mrs. Thomas has now been given information and advice for the residents.
Ardwyn Terrace has now been protected by the Environment Agency’s recent Resolven capital flood alleviation scheme. The majority of the scheme was completed in the summer of 2007, which included the Ardwyn Terrace defence. The Agency has one small element of the defences to complete this summer which will finally protect the properties in this area against floods up to the 1 % chance flood.
Jane Davidson stated that the Environment Agency has suggested that if a representative of the residents in the Terrace writes to them about the matter it will confirm the reduced risk and that this can be submitted to the insurers as evidence which should result in premiums being lowered in line with the risk’.
‘This is good news for the residents of Ardwyn Terrace and I urge them to pursue this course of action,’ said Gwenda Thomas AM , ‘It may also apply to different areas and I hope that this information may assist other residents in my Neath Constituency whose homes are now protected by improved flood defences.’

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