Gwenda Thomas

Friday, 27 February 2009

Gwenda supports Fair Trade Fortnight

Last June, Wales become the world’s first fair trade nation following a two-year campaign by the Wales Fair Trade Forum, funded by the Labour-led Welsh Assembly Government, to increase the availability of fair trade products in towns, cities and counties across Wales, and encouraging schools, businesses and other organisations to switch to Fair Trade.
Gwenda Thomas AM for Neath has urged her constituents to support the causes of fair trade when they are able and to look for the fair trade mark alternatives for products in the supermarkets. ‘It is not only consumables that are available,’ advised Mrs. Thomas, ‘Clothing and jewellrey can be purchased supporting community co operatives across the world and well known large retail outlets also carry stock with the Fair Trade mark.’
As Fair Trade Fortnight begins, two farmers from the developing world will be touring Wales to raise awareness of how they are trading their way out of poverty.
The Fair Trade guarantees farmers in developing countries a fair price for their products. Because this price is stable it allows them to plan for their future. Bernard Ranaweera, a tea producer from Sri Lanka and Bella Joachim, a banana farmer from Dominica in the Windward Isles will be visiting locations and events all over Wales to raise awareness of how Fair Trade helps them.
Their visit is being supported by the Welsh Assembly Government. Environment Minister Jane Davidson.

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