Gwenda Thomas

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Call for young people in Wales to give their climate change views to the world

Gwenda Thomas AM for Neath today added her support to the initiative being headed by Environment Minister Jane Davidson giving young people from across Wales the opportunity to have their say in what the world’s decision-makers decide to do to tackle climate change when they meet for crucial talks in Copenhagen later this year.

‘Countdown to Copenhagen’ is an event being held at the Liberty Stadium in Swansea on 1st July for young people in Wales to get together, learn about climate change and make their opinions heard about what should be done in Wales and across the world to face up to this real and serious problem.

Environment Minister Jane Davidson is looking for 300 under 25s to attend so their views can be passed on to world leaders in December at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in the Danish capital. The talks will see heads of government, such as US President Barack Obama, coming together to try and agree a new deal on climate change.

The ideas and recommendations of those who attend will be taken to Copenhagen by the Welsh Assembly Government.

The event will include the producer of the popular climate change film ‘Age of Stupid’, introducing key parts of the film, workshops, a graffiti wall and video booths where youngsters will be able to record their views.

Gwenda Thomas AM was delighted to hear that once again, Cerith Rhys Jones from Cwmgors, who was chosen last year to be a young Climate Change Champion for Wales 2009, is having direct involvement in this event and will be speaking to the attendees.

“We are indeed fortunate that Cerith worked hard to become a Climate Change Champion and is now representing the young people of this area, Wales and the UK,. He is a positive role model and is playing a vital part in the future of climate change issues in Wales,” stated Mrs. Thomas.
“I urge all young people to follow Cerith’s lead and if possible attend the event on 1st July. To be able to put forward views and ideas that will be taken directly to the United Nations in December, is a golden opportunity for the young people of Wales and my Neath Constituency to be part of the world wide debate on the way in which climate change is altering the world we live in and finding ways to solve the huge problems which world leaders and scientists now face.”

(Sent to the Press - 11.6.2009)

1 comment:

Cerith Rhys Jones said...

Diolch Gwenda, am fy enwi yn eich herthygl. Mae'n braf cael gweld eich bod yn cymryd y fath ddiddordeb yn y mater pwysig yma, ac wrth gwrs, 'dw i'n ddiolchgar am eich cefnogaeth imi. Pob hwyl, Cerith Jones.