Gwenda Thomas

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Lloyds TSB helping to invest in young people and sport in the Neath Constituency

Gwenda Thomas AM for the Neath Constituency has been asked by Lloyds TSB to help them promote the Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week from 29th June to 3rd July 2009.

Many schools in Neath have already registered for a free Teacher Planning Pack but Mrs. Thomas is encouraging other schools to follow suit.

Gwenda Thomas AM said, “ Lloyds TSB is partnering with the Youth Sport Trust to deliver this initiative hoping to inspire children across Wales and the UK to participate in more high quality PE and sport each week, playing an important role in getting Welsh school children to be healthier and more physically active.”

Lloyds TSB advises that working alongside the Youth Sport Trust, they will use the power of it’s partnership with London 2012 to inspire and motivate young people to take part in more sport. The week is to celebrate all that’s already been achieved in schools and they are also encouraging Welsh Olympians and Paralympians to contact their old schools and provide inspiration for both the children and the teachers.

To find out more about this initiative and to register online please look at the website .

Lloyds TSB are also supporting 16 athletes from throughout Wales via their Local Heroes initiative, by providing them with a £ 1000 award towards training and competing costs, all of them being emerging Olympic and Paralympic prospects.

“Funding is always a major barrier in the development and progression of young athletes, and I am pleased to help make hopeful young athletes in Neath aware of any funding that may be available to them,” said Mrs. Thomas.

Details of this can be found at .

(Sent to the Press - 10.6.2009)

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